a virtue...

Watch this video then consider what I am saying.  I have had some things bothering me.  In fact I should not say things, I should say people.  In fact I was more than bothered, probably if the truth be told I was angry at their behaviour.  But having watched this video, things have changed.  Well how can a video change one?  Well a video can change one, when one considers the following quote by Chuck Colson, "When a blind man steps on your foot don't get angry..."  The point is that they don't know any better, or cant see what they are doing, just like color.  Such is sometimes the case with people we are angry with.  Sometimes, they do not know any better, than to do what they do.    So I need to remember what the good book says in Romans 2:4 as it tells us that God's kindness leads to repentance.  In the midst of anger, at least some of the time, the true emotion (at least Aristotle considers it an emotion) that one should emit is perhaps kindness.  No wonder it is considered a virtue. 

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